Friday, February 24, 2006

PSP2 Upgrades?

- PSP World is claiming an anonymous source has tipped them off about the expected PSP 2's new capabilities.
- According to them, it will be available in black, white and silver, the in built storage will be 4GB of NAND memory and a video camera will be built into the bottom of the unit (where the PSP logo is now.)
- The camera could be used for video conferencing using the PS3, Wi-Fi and the PlayStation HUB service.
- A camera would make sense. Sony love to put their Motion Eye's in Vaio laptops and some of the Sony Ericsson phones.
- Intriguing, but until we hear something official, post this under "sure buddy..."


Anonymous said...

Is there more features to the psp that you know of.Even though the camera does sound good is it something you kneed an access point for.

Ashley Bennett said...

Until Sony give us some concrete information, everyone is just guessing at this point. There should be no reason to require a net connection for using the camera though. It all comes down to the developers to use it.