Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Lock PSP Screen At Brightness Level 4

- PSP Updates have posted a way of locking your PSP's screen at brightness level 4.
- You can normally only get this when the power cord is plugged in.
- It will use more power, but this is not a permanent change and is non-invasive.

"Brightness Level 4 is bright, but we need the power adapter plugged to keep it. The problem is obvious - we can't drag the damn power cord everywhere.

The problem is over now. We are glad to share a very handy method for keeping your PSP locked on Level 4 Brightness, without any messy process.

1, Plug your power cord.
2, Adjust your brightness to Level 4.
3, Start a UMD game/homebrew.
4, When the program launch video is being played (the one with green balls flashed and PSP text in the middle of the screen), make sure you unplug the power cord from the PSP when the launch sound effect is over. You will notice that the brightness didn't fall down to level 3.

And now, your screen brightness is locked at Level 4! You can suspend and resume the PSP, turn it off and back on, or even turn the screen off by pressing and holding the brightness button until the screen is turned off, and none of the actions above will make your PSP lose Level 4 brightness!!! The power saving screen shutting off function will not change the brightness too.

The only way to go back to brightness level 3, is to adjust it manually by pressing the brightness button."

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