- So it turns out not much has happened recently anyway, so I'll just do a summary post to catch up.
- GOOD: PSPHacking101 released Episode IV: A New Host. They discuss video conversion and how to get internet access on PSP via a cell phone.
- BAD: Sony Computer Entertainment Europe vice president Phil Harrison, speaking at Game Developers Conference Europe, says the portable will see "premium content next year." The free downloads of Wipeout Pure were a test case and Sony will be moving to a pay-per-download model for extra content next year.
- GOOD: Yoshihiro from WAB released a new version faker, Wab Version Changer V2.5:
"Yoshihiro and WAB are proud to bring you The First Firmware Trickz for Gamez that need Firmware 1.52 to run on your PSP and Cant Run UPDATER 1.52 or 2.0 The System think it's a PSP v1.52 ,v1.0 ,v2.0 even if its a v1.5 or 1.0."
- BAD: Trying to run a firmware update on a PSP that has faked its version number using WAB's tool is dangerous. So don't do it, (change back to the version number that is really on your PSP first.)
- GOOD: A new sword skill for Tenchi No Mon is now available for download via your PSP. Get the password from the official site.
- GOOD: WipeOut Pure addon packs will be made available to PAL users on the following dates: September 1st (Gamma) & 16th (Delta) and October 3rd (Classic 1) & 16th (Classic 2). Also, an Omega pack, exclusive to PAL territories and not available in the US or Japan, will appear after that as the last pack, (apart from tie in packs, such as a PUMA one.) All of these downloads together will have doubled the size of the game.
- GOOD: Tetsuya Mizuguchi of Ubisoft will host an hour long chat session, open to the general public, giving Lumines fans a chance to ask the creator of the game their burning questions, (e.g. about the game, developing for a new console etc.) Time: 7th September 2005, 2pm GMT. Place: http://chat.ubisoft.fr/ - channel: lumines, Irc Network: irc.ubisoft.com - Public Irc Channel: #lumines
- BAD: The chat is already over, but a log of what was said is here.
- GOOD: NeoFlash are working on NEO-MS - A flash card converter for PSP. To be released before Christmas this year it will support SD / MMC / CF cards allowing you to use them instead of Memory Stick Pro Duos.