Friday, September 30, 2005

Analysts Keep Speculating on HDD PSP

- It seems another technology analyst has predicted a new version of the PSP to be released sometime next year with a Hard Disk Drive built in.
- The reasons for doing so are said to be:
- A stop-gap before the PS3 release,
- To compete with media players like the iPod, (or even better, Archos media players,)
- In case Nintendo release their new GameBoy.
- They sound like good, solid reasons, but is it true?
- In other, semi-relevant news: Sony announced yet another Memory Stick format, the Memory Stick Micro M2.
- Out sometime in the first half of 2006, they are 15 x 12.5 x 1.2mm compared to a Pro Duo's fatty 20 x 31 x 1.6mm.

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