Sunday, August 06, 2006

Warning Over Late Print PSP Games

- Hey, how's it going? I've been playing a copy of GTA:LCS for PSP recently using DevHook v0.45 to emulate the v2.00 PSP firmware that the game requires.
- The disc I was using was purchased at launch by my brother who didn't mind updating his firmware. I wanted to stick to v1.50 so couldn't play until DevHook turned up.
- Anyway, I went I purchased my own copy of GTA a couple of days ago at Best Buy here in CA.
- When I tried to run it, this copy wanted me to update to v2.60. Luckily for me, DevHook v0.46 now emulates firmwares upto v2.71, so I was saved.
- My point is, be careful when buying UMDs. Sony obviously do update the games between prints and DevHook might not be around much longer.

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