Friday, July 01, 2005

Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories Interview With OPM

- has a story about a story in an upcoming issue of Official PlayStation Magazine, and this is a story about that :)
- From the article: "OPM also talked to Rockstar VP Dan Houser and Studio Director Gordon Hall about the technical limitations and issues involved in making a free-roaming game for a portable system:
"We changed the way the city was structured -- seek time is a killer on the PSP, not the actual loading, so we have adapted Liberty City's world structure to enable us to burst in the data we need when we need it."
As well as the problems of portable battery life:
"The process of laying the data and code paths out to facilitate elegant streaming automatically ensures we are as battery friendly as possible."
And how Liberty City Stories is far, far from a simple port:
"We never looked at it like it was a portable game... I would really be surprised if there were more expansive handheld games ever made, but content-wise, I can be very confident in saying there has never been anything on a handheld like this.""

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